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The Birth Tree Family Moon-Bathing. 4X4-1/2 Inches. Hand Woven, tapestry and relief techniques. 100% wool, some hand spun,
button.  Mounted on Canvas.
$125.00 + S/H





Moon-Bathing #1

Birch trees are one of my favorite trees. Ruled by the planet Venus, they symbolize renewal and protection.  Did you know that the oil from Birch bark is used for treating skin conditions, and as an insect repellant?

Birch trees inform you of their presence by the colors of their silvery-white bark.  When I can get close to a Birch tree, I enjoy stroking their smooth-rough bark.

I almost missed seeing the Birch tree family while out for a walk because they were behind a fence.

"Hey, we're over here." I heard the rustling of their leaves.

Happy to see the Birch trees, I wanted to go hug them but the fence stopped me.  Do you hug trees?

I got as close as I could, sent them lots of love, and asked them if I could take their picture.  Birch nodded their graceful delicate foliage in assent.

After taking pictures, I thanked the Birch family. Remembering their magical properties, I thought for a just a moment, and decided to ask them for advice on a matter I had been contemplating for some time.

"Beloved Birch," I inquired, "can you help me with my situation?"


As Wind breezed through their leaves, I heard Birch whisper, "We can assist you.  Banish your fears. Build your courage.  Make a good start and whatever you are undertaking will end well."

The above photographs are my inspiration for the small handwoven, mixed media tapestry, "The Birch Tree Family Moon-Bathing."

Thank you, Birch Family.